Airport Madness: World Edition

Airport Madness: World Edition

Keep arriving and departing airplanes safe from collisions, while avoiding unnecessary delays. In this game you will work at the world's most complex airports. Human pilot voices, a radar screen, 12 different real-world airports, plus an awesome soundtrack make this game a must-have for anyone who likes aviation. Sound complicated? Airport Madness is for everyone, and it is very easy to learn. Do you have what it takes to be an air traffic controller at a busy international airport?
Срок поставки: 3-5 минут
Издатель:  Immanitas Дата выпуска продукта:  28.05.2015, 2015
Локализация:  Английская версия Регионы:  Россия
Разработчик:  Big Fat Simulations Inc. Жанр:  Приключения
Канал продаж:  ESD Операционные системы:  Windows
Срок поставки:  3-5 минут Возрастное ограничение:  6+
Партномер:  IMM_7023

Keep arriving and departing airplanes safe from collisions, while avoiding unnecessary delays. In this game you will work at the world's most complex airports. Human pilot voices, a radar screen, 12 different real-world airports, plus an awesome soundtrack make this game a must-have for anyone who likes aviation. Sound complicated? Airport Madness is for everyone, and it is very easy to learn. Do you have what it takes to be an air traffic controller at a busy international airport?

You are paid the big bucks for your visualization skills and guts. Just like the real job of an air traffic controller, you must pay attention and keep your eyes moving. There is always something that you should be doing. You must give takeoff clearances, landing clearances and taxi clearances in a strategic effort to maintain safety and efficiency where there would otherwise be total chaos. This is not a spectator's sport! Can you hack it?

Copyright 2008 Big Fat Simulations Inc.

Для платформы PC (Windows):

Оперативная память 4 Гб

Операционная система Windows XP

Процессор Intel Core i3

DirectX 9.0

Видеокарта nVidia GeForce GTX 275

Жесткий диск 4 GB

Звуковая карта совместимая c DirectX

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